Taylor Moving and Storage Wins Business Excellence Award

Rick Taylor April 9, 2018 Resources, Press Release, Events

Taylor Moving was selected for this award from approximately 90 approached firms in the City of Burlington.

According to the Chamber, award nominations are based on business excellence in leadership, community contributions, entrepeneurship, enviroment, employee welfare, innovation and market growth.

As one of the two finalists we were thrilled to be presented the award during the black tie Burlington Business Awards Gala presented by RBC on April 5th 2018.

We do thank the Chamber but most of all our team of employees for making this possible.

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Driverless trucks?

Rick Taylor March 23, 2018 Resources, Press Release, Events

Labour costs make up roughly 50% of a transportation companies total cost of operation. Coupled with a severly aging long haul driver pool ( the average age of a long haul driver will approach 50 by 2024) makes this an industry in dire need of change.

Sooner than we think,however, remote and driverless trucks are coming our way.

We were reminded of this recently when one of drivers met with Peter and Howard, owners of Sigma Intergrale while in California. (pictured in the photo, website www.sigmaintegrale.com)

The pictured truck is a fully functional remote controlled vehicle and has been tested on live roads throughout California.

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Opportunity to Help Can Happen Quickly

Rick Taylor February 12, 2018 Press Release, Events, Overseas Moving

When we looked into what Susila Dharma International does we were surprised by the scope of their efforts. I would urge everyone to take a look at their website as well www.susiladharma.org.

It surpirses me each time we are able to help out how much it does for our own staff, how they feel when they know they are making a difference. It's not only charity but good business!

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Small Things Matter

Rick Taylor February 1, 2018 Events, News, Hamilton

When you get a chance to see volunteers in action it really reminds you how many great people there are in our community.

We were delighted to be able to donate the boxes needed and moving assistance during the holiday season.

Their work made such a difference to so many in need and I would urge you to look at their website to see if you could help as well.


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How to select the mover who is best for you

Rick Taylor October 17, 2016 Resources, Press Release, Events

Moving under any circumstances is stressful, but when you are uprooting yourself and your family and heading to another country, that stress is multiplied times 10.

You can ease a lot of that anxiety by ensuring that you select the mover who is best for you.

If your move is to another country, it is particularly important that you select a company such as Taylor International Moving that has experience in shipping goods across global entry points.

The best mover for you will also have established excellent relationships with points of contact along the way.

How will your goods be tracked?

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The 5 Most Common Issues In the Moving Industry In The Summer

Rick Taylor June 3, 2016 Resources, Press Release, Events

The moving industry is not a commodity. It is not as simple as just ordering more trucks to fill the 100% increase in business that movers will experience during the months of June, July and August.

I thought I would share the 5 areas where the moving industry as a whole tends to "fall down" during these peak months and the issues that arise beacuse of it.

1)Taking On More Work Than They Can Do:

Many movers will look to do a move that they know they will have trouble handling but do so because it is priced so well. By ignoring their own capacity or the "black out" date of their respected Van Line, they will create an enviroment that is putting all of their clients at significant risk. Extremely long transit times and/or having an inexperienced crew handle the move will create service delivery issues to their clients. In other words, it's short term "greed" knowing that they have little hope of delivering what is promised.

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Taylor Moving Helps Raise $115,000 for WarChild

Rick Taylor June 13, 2014 Press Release, Events, News

Dear John and Taylor Moving,

Thank you for so generously supporting Reclaim Childhood. With your help we are able to support WarChild's programming supporting vulnerable children impacted by the Syrian crisis.

Special thanks to our wonderful hosts and their families, to Chantal Kreviazuk and to all our generous supporters.

We hope that this event will have inspired you to continue support of our work, as it is only through the genorsity of people like you that we are able to reclaim childhood for so many vulnerable children in some of the most volatile areas of the world.

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Happy Holidays

Rick Taylor December 16, 2010 Events

In todays uncertain times, the holiday season allows us to take a step back and really evaluate what is important in life.

As a wise man once said, on your death bed one never remembers how much money or material items acquired in life but only the thoughts of family, friends and loved ones.

With this in mind, our entire staff wish all of our customers, suppliers and friends a very happy holiday season and nothing but glad tidings in 2011!

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