Leveraging Social Media to Connect with Clients: A Guide for Intermediate Sales Professionals

Jack January 25, 2024 Resources


In today's digitally-driven market, social media has emerged as a pivotal platform for sales professionals to connect with clients. Platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram offer unique avenues to engage with clients, creating a community that fosters satisfaction and loyalty. This guide explores how utilizing these platforms can enhance client satisfaction, benefit the sales professional, and positively impact the bottom line.

Understanding the Power of Social Media in Sales

Social media is more than just a platform for socializing; it's a dynamic tool for business growth. With millions of users globally, platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram serve as fertile grounds for sales professionals to reach and engage with their target audience.

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Building Trust Through Transparency: Communication Strategies in Client Relations

Jack January 25, 2024 Resources


In the rapidly evolving world of sales, trust is the cornerstone of any successful client relationship. For intermediate sales professionals, mastering the art of transparent communication is not just a skill but a strategic asset. This guide focuses on how open and honest communication enhances client satisfaction, benefits the sales professionals, and positively impacts the bottom line.

The Importance of Transparency in Sales

  • Fosters Long-Term Relationships: Transparency is not just about conveying information; it's about building a foundation for long-term trust. Clients who feel informed and involved are more likely to develop a sense of loyalty and commitment.
  • Reduces Uncertainty and Builds Confidence: In a sales process, uncertainties can be a major roadblock. Clear communication minimizes misunderstandings, setting a clear path for both parties.
  • Enhances Reputation: A transparent approach in dealings not only benefits the current relationship but also boosts the professional's reputation in the industry, attracting more clients.

Implementing Transparent Communication Strategies

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Creating Value Beyond Service: Enhancing Client Satisfaction and Boosting Your Bottom Line

Jack January 25, 2024 Resources


In the dynamic world of sales, success hinges not just on the products or services you offer, but on the value you create for your clients. Going beyond the basic transactional approach can set you apart in a crowded marketplace. This guide explores how integrating additional services, thoughtful advice, and personal touches can significantly enhance client satisfaction, ultimately benefiting your bottom line.

Understand Your Client's Unique Needs:

Before you can add value, you need to understand what your clients truly value. This means going beyond surface-level interactions to grasp their business challenges, personal preferences, and long-term goals. Use this understanding to tailor your services and advice, making each client feel uniquely catered to.

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Effective Communication: Understanding Your Client’s Needs

Jack January 25, 2024 Resources


In the dynamic world of sales, the cornerstone of success lies in effective communication, especially when it comes to understanding your client's needs. Intermediate sales professionals, having mastered the basics, are now poised to delve deeper into the art of active listening and asking the right questions. This approach not only elevates client satisfaction but also significantly impacts the bottom line.

The Art of Active Listening

Active listening involves more than just hearing your client's words; it's about understanding their underlying messages and emotions.

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The Ultimate Guide to Adjusting to a New City: 10 Tips for Newcomers

Jack December 10, 2023 Resources


Relocating to a new city is an adventure filled with both excitement and challenges. It's not just about moving your belongings; it's about transitioning to a new lifestyle, adapting to a different environment, and making a foreign place feel like home. In this expanded guide, we delve deeper into each of the 10 tips for settling into a new city, offering more detailed advice and practical strategies to ease your transition.

1. Register with the Necessary Local Services and Agencies

Upon arrival, prioritize setting up essential services. This includes registering with the local government for any necessary permits or identification, finding a reliable healthcare provider, and setting up utilities like water, gas, and electricity. Additionally, explore local community resources such as libraries and community centers, which often provide valuable information and services for newcomers.

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Mastering Global Mobility: Harnessing Learning Agility for Enhanced Workforce Strategy and Talent Development

Jack November 16, 2023 Resources


Global mobility is crucial in today's interconnected world, enabling employees to move across locations and contributing significantly to talent development and workforce strategy. This article aims to guide global mobility professionals on leveraging learning agility to enhance their programs' effectiveness in this dynamic field. Specifically, I will be discussing what learning agility is, the challenges of global mobility, and the strategies for enhancing learning agility.

Section 1: Understanding Learning Agility

Learning agility refers to the ability to learn from experiences and apply that knowledge to new, first-time situations. In global mobility, this translates to adapting to different cultures, legal frameworks, and business practices swiftly and effectively. To bring this to life, imagine you are a free agent on a sports team, you bounce from team to team with each one providing different team cultures and ways of doing things. You also must build relationships with different teammates who have their unique situations, all while playing in a game that continually changes. To be an effective player, you must remain humble, coachable, and adaptive. That is what learning agility is.

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Your Essential Guide to Securing a B1/B2 Visa: Unlocking the Door to Business and Leisure Travel in the U.S

Jack November 3, 2023 Resources

What Are B1/B2 Series Visas?

The B1/B2 series visas are non-immigrant visas designed for individuals planning to visit the United States temporarily. The B1 visa is tailored for business-related activities, while the B2 visa caters to tourists, medical treatment seekers, and individuals visiting friends or relatives.

Reasons for a B1 Visa: Business Visits

  • Attend business meetings or conferences
  • Negotiate contracts
  • Consult with business associates
  • Participate in professional or business-related conventions

Reasons for a B2 Visa: Tourism and Visit

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Immigration Patterns throughout the 2020s: Canada

Jack September 29, 2023 Resources


In the modern era of global interconnectivity, the movement of skilled professionals across borders is crucial for multinational corporations. The process of relocating talent from one nation to another, however, presents multifaceted challenges. Dynamic regulatory shifts and evolving requirements significantly impact the relocation trajectory. Recent geopolitical and policy shifts, exemplified by events like Brexit and the Trump administration's decisions, underscore the importance of understanding the trajectory of global mobility, with an emphasis on North America and Europe. This analysis concentrates on Canada.

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Coronavirus Statement Taylor Moving and Storage

Rick Taylor March 17, 2020 Resources, Press Release, News

The coronavirus and our reaction to it remains a fluid situation, however we at Taylor Moving and Storage have taken the following steps:

  1. We have ensured that each common area in our facility is disinfected each morning before employee's arrive.
  2. We have provided each employee with disinfectant to wipe down their truck each morning before driving.
  3. We have staggered our crew start times to ensure no large gatherings are happening in the am.
  4. We have asked each employee to wash their hands at each break (including lunch)
  5. We have asked each employee to have no body contact with other employees or customers. (no shaking of hands)

Taylor Moving has mandated that any employee who has any symptoms at all (e.g-cough, runny nose ,fever ) no matter how light to get tested immediately. Taylor will provide the employee's normal days wages during this testing day and will allow the employee back with a negative test result. Obviously any positive test result will need a manadtory 14 day quarrantine.

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Taylor Moving and Storage Wins Business Excellence Award

Rick Taylor April 9, 2018 Resources, Press Release, Events

Taylor Moving was selected for this award from approximately 90 approached firms in the City of Burlington.

According to the Chamber, award nominations are based on business excellence in leadership, community contributions, entrepeneurship, enviroment, employee welfare, innovation and market growth.

As one of the two finalists we were thrilled to be presented the award during the black tie Burlington Business Awards Gala presented by RBC on April 5th 2018.

We do thank the Chamber but most of all our team of employees for making this possible.

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Driverless trucks?

Rick Taylor March 23, 2018 Resources, Press Release, Events

Labour costs make up roughly 50% of a transportation companies total cost of operation. Coupled with a severly aging long haul driver pool ( the average age of a long haul driver will approach 50 by 2024) makes this an industry in dire need of change.

Sooner than we think,however, remote and driverless trucks are coming our way.

We were reminded of this recently when one of drivers met with Peter and Howard, owners of Sigma Intergrale while in California. (pictured in the photo, website www.sigmaintegrale.com)

The pictured truck is a fully functional remote controlled vehicle and has been tested on live roads throughout California.

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Things to Keep While in Transit

Rick Taylor November 1, 2016 Resources, Press Release, News

According to Harvard Medical School, two of the most common causes of forgetfulness are lack of sleep and stress and anxiety.

Unfortunately, both of these factors are often present when you are planning international moves that will take you far from your comfort zone and the support systems of your friends and family.

Some things can be forgotten with nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

But at Taylor International Movers, we know how devastating it can be if certain key things are forgotten. They can derail your move, cause endless delays and make stress unbearable.

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How to select the mover who is best for you

Rick Taylor October 17, 2016 Resources, Press Release, Events

Moving under any circumstances is stressful, but when you are uprooting yourself and your family and heading to another country, that stress is multiplied times 10.

You can ease a lot of that anxiety by ensuring that you select the mover who is best for you.

If your move is to another country, it is particularly important that you select a company such as Taylor International Moving that has experience in shipping goods across global entry points.

The best mover for you will also have established excellent relationships with points of contact along the way.

How will your goods be tracked?

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Conquering the five most common fears about moving

Rick Taylor October 4, 2016 Resources, Press Release, News

Next to the illness and death of a family member or the dissolution of a marriage or long-term partnership, moving is right up there on the stressors that cause most people sleepless nights and daytime attacks of angst.

By knowing that this fear is normal, that it impacts everyone, and that it will pass with coping strategies, you can alleviate it and take further steps to keep it at bay.

Here are five of the most common specific fears associated with moving and strategies to help you deal with them if they threaten your plans:

  1. Anxiety of the unknown – Sooner or later even the freest of human spirits feels the sturdy grasp of the status quo. It is the force that fills our brains with thoughts that what we are doing is ill-conceived, that we will fail, that we are hurting others by pursuing our own dreams, and that we are making a big mistake to move. It pushes us firmly to accept inertia as the compelling force of our lives.

Strategy for coping with anxiety of the unknown – Practice the lost art of self-compassion. Tell yourself you have come this far in life by having the courage to pursue your goals and dreams, and that you cannot stop now. Remind yourself that love and caring has no borders; it is not contained in a box that you move, but will escape and fly back and forth at will and stay alive if you let it. There is no failure, except in missed opportunities in life. The great thing about roads to new places is that while they go forward, they also go backwards, and returning is always an option. You deserve to explore this wide and wonderful world.

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Biggest Mistakes That Will Hinder the Success of Your Move

Rick Taylor September 23, 2016 Resources, Press Release, News

According to the Canadian Census Bureau, about three million Canadians live beyond the borders of their country on any given year.

Many of them are away temporarily, often for work or study reasons, or to volunteer or spend a portion of their retirement years in a new environment.

At some stage of the process, all of them had to ensure that their personal belongings were packed and moved internationally.

If they are students on a short-term program, they will travel by air with one or two suitcases in tow, and the process will be relatively uncomplicated.

But for those who embark on long work terms that may even require indefinite stays, it is common that a condition of accepting the transfer is a budget to cover moving household and personal objects to their new home.

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The 5 Most Common Issues In the Moving Industry In The Summer

Rick Taylor June 3, 2016 Resources, Press Release, Events

The moving industry is not a commodity. It is not as simple as just ordering more trucks to fill the 100% increase in business that movers will experience during the months of June, July and August.

I thought I would share the 5 areas where the moving industry as a whole tends to "fall down" during these peak months and the issues that arise beacuse of it.

1)Taking On More Work Than They Can Do:

Many movers will look to do a move that they know they will have trouble handling but do so because it is priced so well. By ignoring their own capacity or the "black out" date of their respected Van Line, they will create an enviroment that is putting all of their clients at significant risk. Extremely long transit times and/or having an inexperienced crew handle the move will create service delivery issues to their clients. In other words, it's short term "greed" knowing that they have little hope of delivering what is promised.

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Summer Capacity In The Moving Business

Rick Taylor May 30, 2016 Resources, Press Release, News

Throughout these summer months the moving industry will witness over a 100% increase in business than our normal fall/winter and spring monthly averages. It is just not possible to hire professional movers for just 3 months to fill the need let alone the equipment needed. As a result, professional movers will experience many days where they simply can't provide service to a client who has booked their move late in the process.

We at Taylor Moving try our very best not to overbook beyond our safe capacity. We do not want to do a move simply to generate revenue knowing that there is a high risk of it not being up to our standards.

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The HST and Moving Expenses

Rick Taylor May 3, 2016 Resources, Press Release, News

When an employee gets transferred within Canada the corporation can either choose to pay the move directly or simply give the employee a cash amount (i.e lump sum payment) and let them make the arrangements themselves.

One thing that should play a role in what to do is the effect of the HST on this choice.

Household goods can be a significant part of the overall relocation expense. It is not uncommon for a full household moving across the country to have an overall bill of $10,000 to $25,000.

Take for example an employee moving from Vancouver, BC to Toronto, Ontario. With cars, storage etc. lets assume a bill of $20,000. As the move is coming to Ontario the HST of 13% would equate to a cost of $2600.00.

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Cross Border Moving Options

Rick Taylor April 14, 2016 Resources, Press Release, News

Cross border moving can be tricky. A Canadian driver is not alowed to inter state in the United States (i.e move household goods within the United States) and an American driver cannot move someone domesticly within Canada. This means that they cannot pick up further customers when they are delivering/loading unless they have a customer that is also moving cross border as well. Since van line tariff's operate under a "full load" basis this means the driver has to wait longer and/or have many empty miles to fill out his truck. This leads to a much longer transit time for the customer in most cases.

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Helping Syrian Refugee's

Rick Taylor February 25, 2016 Resources, News, Local Moving

Appleby Coillege, a private school located in Oakville Ontario, pooled rsources from several firms to help sponsor a Syrian refugee family to Canada. Appleby arranged an apartment and furnishings to the new comers to Canada.

At the last minute they realized they had now way of moving the furniture into the 3 bedroom apartment even though they were scheduled to arrive in 3 days!

I am glad they called us. We sent our crew out to get this done and of course did so at no charge. We felt this is exactly the sort of initiative we want to be part of.

We have found the goodwill it creates with our community and within our staff offers real value to our firm. Even small business' like ours can be active and help in important ways.

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Retirement is Changing

Rick Taylor February 9, 2016 Resources, Press Release, News

Retirement at 65? That may be the way the world worked 30 years ago but in todays world, with people living longer and healthier lifestyles, we believe that this will be the exception and not the rule.

Taylor Moving and Storage actively recruits mature people. From sales, packing and our international services we have found that there lies a large untapped resource that greatly enhances our quality.

Many older workers don't want to work 50 hours a week but do want to continue being busy and to supplement their incomes. By being flexible, we are able to position these employee's to add additional depth to our staff. Their flexible hours allows us to "ramp up" during the busy summer season without sacrificing quality.

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Moving and Your Taxes

Rick Taylor September 22, 2015 Resources, Press Release, News

From The TaxLetter, published by MPL Communications.

Moving Day - Samantha Prasad, LL.B.

I was reading an article not too long ago about how housing prices in Toronto have increased by 9.6 per cent com­pared to a year ago. In fact, the average price for a single-family detached home is hovering around the $1 million mark, catching up to the always expensive Vancouver market. To many observers, Canada's large cities are experiencing a housing bubble; yet it is show­ing no signs of bursting.

Of course, these soaring sticker prices do not include buyers' extra expenses, such as land transfer taxes and moving costs. So it would be an understatement to say that every new owner could use some sort of a financial break. Happily, for those of you who have to move out of town for work, there may be such a break available to you.

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Oakville Ontario Real Estate Report

Rick Taylor May 11, 2015 Resources, Press Release, News

April is historicly a busy month for real estate transactions. Coupled with May, it remains the "heart" of the spring real estate market.

April 2015 saw 316 properties sold in Oakville. This compares to 346 properties in 2014. The avearge median price increased from $715,000 in 2014 to $760,000 in 2015.

Various agents suggested it the drop in sales activity was due to a drop in inventory and not demand.

As you can see, Oakville remains a top choice for people to relocate to which has led to real estate fetching premium prices.

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Oakville's Real Estate Market

Rick Taylor November 11, 2014 Resources, Press Release, News

Oakville remains a popular destination for people relocating into the Greater Toronto area. No where is this more pronounced than in the still solid residental property market.

Year to date 2014, the median Oakville house price increased 13.2% in October 2014 to a record $720,000.

While October saw a slight 2.4% decrease in trasactions from 2013, Oakville still saw a very healthy 683 properties change hands in October.

There are now 1183 properties on the market in Oakville that should moderate price growth in 2015.

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How We Are Being Rated

Rick Taylor December 12, 2013 Resources, International Moving, Employee Relocation

Taylor is in the business of employee relocation. Approximately 70% of our sales volume is derived through moving employee's household goods when they are transferred into a new city or country.

Most of these transfers occur amongst the largest corporations in the world. In some cases, these corporations may transfer upwards of 1000 employees globally as part of the worldwide human resources strategy.

Fortune 500 companies continue to outsource their employee relocation programs to outside parties in order to reduce their administartion costs to their human resources departments. In 2013, 92% of all employee relocation programs were outsourced to companies that specialize in employee relocation. These firms execute the corporation's policy in areas like travel expense, real estate disposal, work visas, destination services and of course the movement of household goods.

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Oakville's Olympic Athletes

Rick Taylor September 18, 2012 Resources, Press Release, News

Residents of Oakville showed their pride yesterday, cheering on their hometown Olympians at Centennial Square.
The recognition event kicked off at 2 p.m. with a parade along Lakeshore Road, starting at Reynolds Street and finished with a reception and autograph session at Centennial Square (Lakeshore Road and Navy Street).

The attending Olympians included Adam van Koeverden, Diana Matheson, Mark Oldershaw and Kyle Jones.
Douglas Csima and Tera Van Beilen are unable to attend, but will be represented by their parents.
The athletes signed autographs for the many fans who filled the square.
Oakville’s athletes scored many successes during the London Olympics.
Van Koeverden received a silver medal in the men’s kayak single 1,000m, while Csima received a silver medal in the men’s eight rowing competition.
Matheson scored the winning goal during the bronze medal women’s soccer game against France.
Oldershaw, who trains out of Oakville, won a bronze medal in the men’s canoe singles 1,000m.
Jones’ performance made him the highest finishing Canadian triathlete in the London Olympics and Van Beilen’s near berth in the finals of the 100-metre breaststroke was also something to celebrate.

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Oakville's Transportation Future

Rick Taylor March 26, 2011 Resources, Oakville

According to Halton Region's Director of Transportation Services, Oakville will have a population of 255,000 people by 2031.

With as many as 120,000 jobs in Oakville the present transportation grid will start to have real issues by 2020 in it's current form.

Existing roadways like Trafalgar, Upper Middle Road, Ninth Line, Speers Road will all have two more lanes added. Many more roads and streets will also be upgraded/expanded.

Public transit will be integrated with the proposed Greater Toronto area Metrolinx project and public a more robust public transportation system.

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The New Online World

Rick Taylor February 25, 2011 Resources

It is really amazing to me how much things have changed as a result of technology, even in a mature industry like ours!

It was only 15 years ago that email became widespread and the internet age began. Since then it has been quite a ride.

For instance, in the past Yellow Pages made up 90% of a movers budget for marketting their services to local clients. Today that figure is closer to 30% and is dropping every year. The importance of a strong online presence is key. After all, if you are reading this blog post, you are doing so through our web site!

Our moving crews now use smart phones that allow us to communicate instantly through text, voice or two way radio. Coming soon, these phones will include GPS, automatic log book entries and fuel tax reporting.

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Southern Ontario in 20 years

Rick Taylor January 17, 2011 Resources

I was born in 1970 in what was then the small little town of Burlington,population 5000. The QEW was just coming into development and the surrounding towns of Oakville,Dundas and Milton were just villages.

Getting to Toronto was considered a big drive let alone any town north of Highway 7.

Today Burlington is approaching 200,000 residents and is truly a city in it's own right. Ditto Oakville and Milton.

According to the master zoning plan set up by the municipalities and the province of Ontario, our region is expected to absorb another million people in the next 20 years! It is exciting to be part of this growth as new business and cultural entities are bound to explode as well.

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Is your move tax deductable?

Rick Taylor November 30, 2010 Resources

Certain relocation expenses are tax deductable. Revenue Canada in most cases allows the deduction from total income relocation expenses you incur when going to a different location for the purpose of starting a new job or going to school. See below to see if you qualify:

*Your new home is at least 40 KMS closer to your new work or school location using the "shortest normal route" to calculate distance.

*The move is from one place in Canada to another place in Canada.

Please keep receipts of your travelling expenses (gas,meals etc),your household move costs (from Taylor Moving),your costs of selling your old home (real estate comissions etc),the cost of purchasing/leasing your new home and any other cost that you gather that relates to your relocation you will be able to calculate a total eligble deduction. This will often times be in the thousands of dollars.

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