Settling into Burlington, Ontario: The Ultimate Guide for New Residents

Jack December 10, 2023 Burlington

Welcome to Burlington, Ontario, a charming city nestled on the shores of Lake Ontario. This guide is designed to help new residents navigate the ins and outs of settling into this vibrant community. Whether you're drawn to its scenic beauty, family-friendly neighborhoods, or its proximity to major cities, Burlington offers a unique blend of urban and natural amenities.

Overview of Burlington

Burlington, located in the heart of the Golden Horseshoe, is a medium-sized city known for its picturesque waterfront and lush green spaces. With a population that enjoys a diverse economy and a high quality of life, the city is more than just a suburb of Toronto. Its proximity to Lake Ontario and the Niagara Escarpment provides residents with an abundance of natural attractions.

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Reasons Why Companies Should Relocate or Expand Into Canada

Jack October 27, 2023 Burlington

Companies should regard Canada not just as a land of opportunity, but as a top-tier destination when considering relocation or expansion. This nation offers a plethora of benefits that can propel companies to new heights.

Unrivaled Global Connections: Canada stands tall as a significant player in the global market. Being a member of the G7, it has trade deals with all the other G7 nations. This strategic position gives businesses, whether startups or industry giants, unfettered access to a vast global market. This paves the way for enhanced business reach and paves the path for a brighter future for those with a global vision. The country's geographical advantage, sharing an expansive land border with the United States, simplifies commerce. This means reduced costs, minimal transporational hurdles, and a smoother regulatory environment. The upshot? Canada's global and regional economic ties can be a catalyst for the growth of businesses venturing into or relocating to its territories.

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From a Dream to Reality: Al Taylor's Journey with Taylor Moving & Storage - A Canadian Saga of Triumph and Endless Opportunity! (Part 3)

Jack October 13, 2023 Burlington

In honor of Alan Taylor's upcoming induction into the Burlington Hall of Fame on October 19th, 2023, at the Burlington Convention Center, we're shedding light on his inspiring journey with Taylor Moving & Storage. This tale isn't just about building a business; it's a testament to the true spirit of the Canadian Dream. This is the third and final article in our series delving into Al's illustrious career and the legacy he's crafted in Burlington.

As years passed, the enterprise grew in stature and profitability, mirroring Al’s own life journey. Similarly evolving were his sons, Russ and Rick. They weren’t mere bystanders; they keenly observed, absorbing invaluable lessons as they geared up to join the family venture.

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From a Dream to Reality: Al Taylor's Journey with Taylor Moving & Storage - A Canadian Saga of Triumph and Endless Opportunity! (Part 2)

Jack September 14, 2023 Burlington

In honor of Alan Taylor's induction into the Burlington Hall of Fame, scheduled for October 19th, 2023, at the Burlington Convention Center, we're sharing his story of building Taylor Moving & Storage. This quintessential Canadian success story showcases the embodiment of the Canadian Dream. This article is the second part of a three-part series highlighting Al's career and his journey in creating a company that's integral to Burlington.

The 70s began, and Taylor Moving was flourishing. The once modest moving company was ripe for expansion against the backdrop of an era punctuated by technological and scientific breakthroughs.

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Coronavirus Statement Taylor Moving and Storage

Rick Taylor March 17, 2020 Resources, Press Release, News

The coronavirus and our reaction to it remains a fluid situation, however we at Taylor Moving and Storage have taken the following steps:

  1. We have ensured that each common area in our facility is disinfected each morning before employee's arrive.
  2. We have provided each employee with disinfectant to wipe down their truck each morning before driving.
  3. We have staggered our crew start times to ensure no large gatherings are happening in the am.
  4. We have asked each employee to wash their hands at each break (including lunch)
  5. We have asked each employee to have no body contact with other employees or customers. (no shaking of hands)

Taylor Moving has mandated that any employee who has any symptoms at all (e.g-cough, runny nose ,fever ) no matter how light to get tested immediately. Taylor will provide the employee's normal days wages during this testing day and will allow the employee back with a negative test result. Obviously any positive test result will need a manadtory 14 day quarrantine.

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Out Staff At Christmas

Rick Taylor December 18, 2019 Burlington

Our staff recently did a toy drive in conjunction with the Burlington Fire Department.

Both Russ and I are so proud of their efforts! Thank you all for being part of our local community!

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Taylor Moving and Storage Wins Business Excellence Award

Rick Taylor April 9, 2018 Resources, Press Release, Events

Taylor Moving was selected for this award from approximately 90 approached firms in the City of Burlington.

According to the Chamber, award nominations are based on business excellence in leadership, community contributions, entrepeneurship, enviroment, employee welfare, innovation and market growth.

As one of the two finalists we were thrilled to be presented the award during the black tie Burlington Business Awards Gala presented by RBC on April 5th 2018.

We do thank the Chamber but most of all our team of employees for making this possible.

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Driverless trucks?

Rick Taylor March 23, 2018 Resources, Press Release, Events

Labour costs make up roughly 50% of a transportation companies total cost of operation. Coupled with a severly aging long haul driver pool ( the average age of a long haul driver will approach 50 by 2024) makes this an industry in dire need of change.

Sooner than we think,however, remote and driverless trucks are coming our way.

We were reminded of this recently when one of drivers met with Peter and Howard, owners of Sigma Intergrale while in California. (pictured in the photo, website

The pictured truck is a fully functional remote controlled vehicle and has been tested on live roads throughout California.

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Electronic Log Devices So Far so Good

Rick Taylor March 1, 2018 Press Release, Overseas Moving, Local Moving

Our experience with ELDs so far has been positive.

The technology is fairly simple to use and our drivers seem to be adjusting well. We were fearful that it would be too strict as far as stop and start times but it actually has worked in reverse, our teams now tend to plot where they will stop in the day much more efficiently using the map features.

The technology has also prompted us to be more proactive in tracking our drivers. We connect twice a day with each out of area van foreman to make sure he is able to get the job done in the time allowed,without being over his mandated hours of service. This has seemed to enhance our customer experience as sometimes due to things our of our control (severe weather/traffic closures etc) we are able to relay to the clients delays well in advance.

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Greater Toronto Area Housing Slowing Down

Rick Taylor February 16, 2018 Press Release, Overseas Moving, Local Moving

The month of January 2018 saw 4019 residential homes sold a decrease of 22% from January 2017's 5155 homes.

Listings increased to 8558 indicating properties are not moving as quickly.

As far as prices go the condo market continues to lead the way. Detached home prices were actually down 4.1% to $736,783 while condos were up 5.2%.

It will be interesting to see how the market does for the rest of 2018.

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Opportunity to Help Can Happen Quickly

Rick Taylor February 12, 2018 Press Release, Events, Overseas Moving

When we looked into what Susila Dharma International does we were surprised by the scope of their efforts. I would urge everyone to take a look at their website as well

It surpirses me each time we are able to help out how much it does for our own staff, how they feel when they know they are making a difference. It's not only charity but good business!

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Things to Keep While in Transit

Rick Taylor November 1, 2016 Resources, Press Release, News

According to Harvard Medical School, two of the most common causes of forgetfulness are lack of sleep and stress and anxiety.

Unfortunately, both of these factors are often present when you are planning international moves that will take you far from your comfort zone and the support systems of your friends and family.

Some things can be forgotten with nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

But at Taylor International Movers, we know how devastating it can be if certain key things are forgotten. They can derail your move, cause endless delays and make stress unbearable.

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How to select the mover who is best for you

Rick Taylor October 17, 2016 Resources, Press Release, Events

Moving under any circumstances is stressful, but when you are uprooting yourself and your family and heading to another country, that stress is multiplied times 10.

You can ease a lot of that anxiety by ensuring that you select the mover who is best for you.

If your move is to another country, it is particularly important that you select a company such as Taylor International Moving that has experience in shipping goods across global entry points.

The best mover for you will also have established excellent relationships with points of contact along the way.

How will your goods be tracked?

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Conquering the five most common fears about moving

Rick Taylor October 4, 2016 Resources, Press Release, News

Next to the illness and death of a family member or the dissolution of a marriage or long-term partnership, moving is right up there on the stressors that cause most people sleepless nights and daytime attacks of angst.

By knowing that this fear is normal, that it impacts everyone, and that it will pass with coping strategies, you can alleviate it and take further steps to keep it at bay.

Here are five of the most common specific fears associated with moving and strategies to help you deal with them if they threaten your plans:

  1. Anxiety of the unknown – Sooner or later even the freest of human spirits feels the sturdy grasp of the status quo. It is the force that fills our brains with thoughts that what we are doing is ill-conceived, that we will fail, that we are hurting others by pursuing our own dreams, and that we are making a big mistake to move. It pushes us firmly to accept inertia as the compelling force of our lives.

Strategy for coping with anxiety of the unknown – Practice the lost art of self-compassion. Tell yourself you have come this far in life by having the courage to pursue your goals and dreams, and that you cannot stop now. Remind yourself that love and caring has no borders; it is not contained in a box that you move, but will escape and fly back and forth at will and stay alive if you let it. There is no failure, except in missed opportunities in life. The great thing about roads to new places is that while they go forward, they also go backwards, and returning is always an option. You deserve to explore this wide and wonderful world.

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Biggest Mistakes That Will Hinder the Success of Your Move

Rick Taylor September 23, 2016 Resources, Press Release, News

According to the Canadian Census Bureau, about three million Canadians live beyond the borders of their country on any given year.

Many of them are away temporarily, often for work or study reasons, or to volunteer or spend a portion of their retirement years in a new environment.

At some stage of the process, all of them had to ensure that their personal belongings were packed and moved internationally.

If they are students on a short-term program, they will travel by air with one or two suitcases in tow, and the process will be relatively uncomplicated.

But for those who embark on long work terms that may even require indefinite stays, it is common that a condition of accepting the transfer is a budget to cover moving household and personal objects to their new home.

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The 5 Most Common Issues In the Moving Industry In The Summer

Rick Taylor June 3, 2016 Resources, Press Release, Events

The moving industry is not a commodity. It is not as simple as just ordering more trucks to fill the 100% increase in business that movers will experience during the months of June, July and August.

I thought I would share the 5 areas where the moving industry as a whole tends to "fall down" during these peak months and the issues that arise beacuse of it.

1)Taking On More Work Than They Can Do:

Many movers will look to do a move that they know they will have trouble handling but do so because it is priced so well. By ignoring their own capacity or the "black out" date of their respected Van Line, they will create an enviroment that is putting all of their clients at significant risk. Extremely long transit times and/or having an inexperienced crew handle the move will create service delivery issues to their clients. In other words, it's short term "greed" knowing that they have little hope of delivering what is promised.

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Summer Capacity In The Moving Business

Rick Taylor May 30, 2016 Resources, Press Release, News

Throughout these summer months the moving industry will witness over a 100% increase in business than our normal fall/winter and spring monthly averages. It is just not possible to hire professional movers for just 3 months to fill the need let alone the equipment needed. As a result, professional movers will experience many days where they simply can't provide service to a client who has booked their move late in the process.

We at Taylor Moving try our very best not to overbook beyond our safe capacity. We do not want to do a move simply to generate revenue knowing that there is a high risk of it not being up to our standards.

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The HST and Moving Expenses

Rick Taylor May 3, 2016 Resources, Press Release, News

When an employee gets transferred within Canada the corporation can either choose to pay the move directly or simply give the employee a cash amount (i.e lump sum payment) and let them make the arrangements themselves.

One thing that should play a role in what to do is the effect of the HST on this choice.

Household goods can be a significant part of the overall relocation expense. It is not uncommon for a full household moving across the country to have an overall bill of $10,000 to $25,000.

Take for example an employee moving from Vancouver, BC to Toronto, Ontario. With cars, storage etc. lets assume a bill of $20,000. As the move is coming to Ontario the HST of 13% would equate to a cost of $2600.00.

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Cross Border Moving Options

Rick Taylor April 14, 2016 Resources, Press Release, News

Cross border moving can be tricky. A Canadian driver is not alowed to inter state in the United States (i.e move household goods within the United States) and an American driver cannot move someone domesticly within Canada. This means that they cannot pick up further customers when they are delivering/loading unless they have a customer that is also moving cross border as well. Since van line tariff's operate under a "full load" basis this means the driver has to wait longer and/or have many empty miles to fill out his truck. This leads to a much longer transit time for the customer in most cases.

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Helping Syrian Refugee's

Rick Taylor February 25, 2016 Resources, News, Local Moving

Appleby Coillege, a private school located in Oakville Ontario, pooled rsources from several firms to help sponsor a Syrian refugee family to Canada. Appleby arranged an apartment and furnishings to the new comers to Canada.

At the last minute they realized they had now way of moving the furniture into the 3 bedroom apartment even though they were scheduled to arrive in 3 days!

I am glad they called us. We sent our crew out to get this done and of course did so at no charge. We felt this is exactly the sort of initiative we want to be part of.

We have found the goodwill it creates with our community and within our staff offers real value to our firm. Even small business' like ours can be active and help in important ways.

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Retirement is Changing

Rick Taylor February 9, 2016 Resources, Press Release, News

Retirement at 65? That may be the way the world worked 30 years ago but in todays world, with people living longer and healthier lifestyles, we believe that this will be the exception and not the rule.

Taylor Moving and Storage actively recruits mature people. From sales, packing and our international services we have found that there lies a large untapped resource that greatly enhances our quality.

Many older workers don't want to work 50 hours a week but do want to continue being busy and to supplement their incomes. By being flexible, we are able to position these employee's to add additional depth to our staff. Their flexible hours allows us to "ramp up" during the busy summer season without sacrificing quality.

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Moving and Your Taxes

Rick Taylor September 22, 2015 Resources, Press Release, News

From The TaxLetter, published by MPL Communications.

Moving Day - Samantha Prasad, LL.B.

I was reading an article not too long ago about how housing prices in Toronto have increased by 9.6 per cent com­pared to a year ago. In fact, the average price for a single-family detached home is hovering around the $1 million mark, catching up to the always expensive Vancouver market. To many observers, Canada's large cities are experiencing a housing bubble; yet it is show­ing no signs of bursting.

Of course, these soaring sticker prices do not include buyers' extra expenses, such as land transfer taxes and moving costs. So it would be an understatement to say that every new owner could use some sort of a financial break. Happily, for those of you who have to move out of town for work, there may be such a break available to you.

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Taylor's New Quality Survey

Rick Taylor July 15, 2015 Press Release, News, Overseas Moving

In 2010, Taylor Moving and Storage did a careful review of our operations and set out an agenda to drive quality improvements throughout our organization.

Our recruiting, hiring and training practices were redesigned with strong involvement from the owners of the firm. We also implemented a company wide technology platform to streamline and improved both our internal and external communications.

We are pleased to announce that we now have also introduced an electronic quality survey tool that was developed in house to assist us in measuring our quality.

48 hours after every move is complete, our system will generate an email to our clients asking them to complete the survey. Once the survey is completed, it is sent directly to Rick Taylor, one of the owners of the firm, for his review.

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John Alaimo's Retirement

Rick Taylor January 5, 2015 Press Release, News, Local Moving

It is with some sadness that we at Taylor Moving and Storage announce the retirement of John Alaimo.

John came to our company in 1996 after owning his own business. In his role of Moving Consultant, John brought both care and empathy to his clients. Ovet the last 18 years, John has moved many thousands of people both around town and throughout North America.

It was a hard decision for John to leave our company and an industry that he has grown to love. At age 74 however, he and his wife felt it was time to leave the working world.

All of the staff will miss John's energy and love of life. His humour and general likeability will be missed by our staff and customers.

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Taylor Continues It's Support of Joseph Brant Hospital

Rick Taylor July 28, 2014 News, Burlington

Joseph Brant hospital is an important part not only of Burlington but for all of southern Ontario. As our community grows,so does the need to expand Joseph Brant's capacity and reach.

Take a few highlights from the year 2013:

*the hospital had 1506 births take place

*there were 46,776 emergency visits

*18,591 surgeries performed backed by 159 physicians

Taylor Moving and Storage has been a long supporter of Joseph Brant and that continues to this day. As a sponsor in the $25,000 to $49,999 category, Taylor remains one of the larger indvidual sponsors year in and year out.

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Taylor Moving Quality Scores 2013 - Allied Van Lines

Rick Taylor May 5, 2014 News, Burlington, Oakville

Allied Van Lines has hired an independent firm, Telesight , to conduct independent surveys of all moves registered into it's network. This would include all Allied agents coast to coast for moves over 250 miles.

Telesight receives approximately a 40% survey return success rate.

Each question is ranked out of 5 (with 5 being the highest). Below is the results for Taylor Moving and Storage in 2013:

  • Overall, how satisfied were you with the salesperson? 4.387
  • Did you have any special requests? If so, how satisfied were you with the arrangements made? 4.73
  • Did we pack your boxes? If so, please rate how satisfied you were with the packing. 4.385
  • How would you rate the arrival time of the driver and crew based on the promises made for loading day? 4.517
  • How would you rate the care and attention shown by the driver for your goods? 4.75
  • How would you rate the care and attention shown by the driver’s crew while loading your goods? 4.655
  • How satisfied were you with the loading overall? 4.586
  • How would you rate the arrival time of the driver and crew based on the promises made for delivery day? 4.647
  • How would you rate the care and attention shown by the driver during the unloading of your goods? 4.824
  • Please rate the level of care and attention shown by the driver’s crew during the unloading of your goods. 4.588
  • How satisfied were you with the unloading process overall? 4.765
  • How satisfied were you with our communications throughout the move? 4.262
  • How likely is it that you would recommend this van line to a friend, colleague or family member? 4.268

The average score for Taylor Moving, based on these 13 questions was 4.567 or a 91.34% satisfaction rate on our Canadian long distance moves booked into the Allied Van Lines network.

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Taylor International-Recent Quality Score

Rick Taylor January 16, 2014 News, Burlington, Oakville

Taylor Moving and Storage was involved with 46 international moves with this leading US Relocation Management company. This firm manages employee relocations that are international in scope on behalf of Fortune 500 companies around the world. They track very closely the quality,as measured from the relocating employee's, of the moving companies they work with to provide service.

In 2013, Taylor International effected service on 27 moves where we acted as the origin agent. The origin agent is responsible for the packing of boxes, the international wrapping of furniture, crating when needed, arranging the sea ship container or air freight and accumulating all of the customs documents. Out of a score of 5, Taylor was rated at 4.71 or 94.2% satisfaction rate. The worldwide average of this firms movers network was 4.41 or 88.2%.

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Dave Wilson's Retirement

Rick Taylor June 10, 2013 Press Release, News, Burlington

It is not too often in today's world when an employee stays with the same firm for 10 years let alone over 40 years, yet Dave Wilson has done just that.

Dave started with Taylor Moving in 1972 as a young man. He quickly rose through the ranks due to his unbridled enthusiasm and professionalism. He became a van foreman for our firm where he continued to rack up driver of the year awards and an extremely low claims record. During this time he moved well over 5000 households around the block and/or across North America.

Dave continued his excellence until he approached his 60th birthday. When Russ and Rick Taylor bought the firm they knew great,dedicated and talented people like Dave are just too hard to replace. After much brain storming they moved Dave into the newly formed position of Quality Control Manager. Over the last 10 years Dave has been responsible for all aspects of training new and existing Taylor staff. His knowledge and passion is going to be very hard to replace.

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Taylor Wins Readers Choice Award-Best Mover

Rick Taylor February 26, 2013 News, Local Moving, Burlington

We are grateful to the local community for their nomination and write in votes for this years Readers Choice Award.

We continue to work on improving quality in all aspects of our business and it is indeed satisfying that our customers took the time and effort to nominate us for this award.

We look forward to building on this momentum and to bring our quality levels to even a higher level in 2013.

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We Are Growing to Serve You Better

Rick Taylor June 28, 2012 Press Release, Burlington, Oakville

In 2011, Taylor Moving and Storage invested considerable amount of financial and human captial in improving our IT platform. We are delighted with the significant improvements this has led to our communications throughout our business, both internal and external.

Our next stage is growth.

Taylor is undertaking a major $350,000 investment to add to our North American wide fleet. This will increase our capacity within the Allied Van Lines fleet to 9 registered units serving cross border and intra Canada moves.

When completed by the winter of 2013, this fleet will be one of the largest single hauling fleets in Canada within our network.

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Winner - 2012 Burlington Post Readers Choice Award

Rick Taylor April 30, 2012 Press Release, News, Burlington

April 30th 2012 Burlington, Ontario:

Taylor Moving and Storage is proud to be recognized as the Readers Choice winner in the Platinum division for moving and storage companies.

Each year, the Burlington Post surveys their readership regarding the best service providers in the local community.

As this years winner, we are delighted to see our efforts in continuing improvement are being well received by our valued customers.

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BurlingtonGreen holding a community cleanup day

Rick Taylor April 12, 2012 Press Release, News, Burlington

In association with Earth Day, a local environmental organization is once again hosting a community cleanup.

BurlingtonGreen, with support from the City of Burlington, is holding its annual Community Clean Up Green Up Event on Saturday, April 21.

The 42nd annual Earth Day will be celebrated internationally on April 22.

The BurlingtonGreen event provides an opportunity for residents, schools, groups and businesses to team up to clean up the city.

It will take place along Sheldon Creek in Sherwood Forest Park. Participants are asked to meet at the new bridge, behind the soccer fields, at 11 a.m. Bring gloves, garbage bags and appropriate footwear.

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Ribfest will soon be here!

Rick Taylor July 27, 2011 Press Release, News, Burlington

Canada’s Largest Ribfest, organized by the Rotary Club of Burlington Lakeshore, is ready for its 16th year of bringing you a family-friendly, four-day food extravaganza! As one of the leading annual events in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada’s Largest Ribfest brings together 18 Ribber Teams from across North America, hungry to compete for the Best Ribs Title, and more than 100,000 people hungry to taste their mouth-watering fare! But that’s not all! There are also great musical guests, and activities and games for kids of all ages – all in beautiful Spencer Smith Park in Burlington on the north shore of Lake Ontario. The proceeds from this event go directly to the community – a good cause, good food, good times and the perfect way to bid farewell to summer.

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Moving day - what about the kids?

Rick Taylor June 17, 2011 Press Release, Local Moving, Burlington

The summer is the period of peak demand for moving companies. This is the best time for families to relocate to avoid disrupting their children’s education.

Moving can be a major upheaval for children. They feel anxious about separation fromfriends, schools and neighborhoods. Involving children in planning the move can help to calmtheir fears.

When you arrive in your newcommunity, you may find that organized summer activities are already under way. Itmay be too late for your children to participate. Neighbourhood kids may be away on vacation, making it difficult to make new friends immediately. Theremay be several weeks before newfriends can bemade at school.

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International Assignments

Rick Taylor June 7, 2011 Press Release, Overseas Moving, Burlington

International corporate relocations froze during the recession, but that trend is now thawing.

Canadian firms are assigning employees around the globe in growing numbers, according to a Canadian Employee Relocation Council poll to be published later on Tuesday. Top five destinations are the U.S., the EU, China, Australia and South America.

The recession dramatically slowed the number of relocations as companies hunkered down and cut costs. But more firms seem now willing to pay to move their staff to foreign locations as the economy recovers and companies are under more pressure to go global.

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New Appointment - Arthur Drewry

Rick Taylor May 28, 2011 Press Release, News, Burlington

Arthur Drewry, recently named CMMB Representative for Region 6, was raised as a British expatriate and in 2000 began his career in the household goods relocation industry in the Middle East. Drewry got his first taste of the international moving business while working with Gulf Agency Company, a respected international removals company. There, he played an integral role in handling corporate relocations for Exxon Mobil, Occidental Petroleum, Elf Petroleum, and Chevron Phillips. During that time, Drewry earned his FIDI Diploma, the highest international education designation in the international relocation industry.

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Rotary Clubs of Burlington

Rick Taylor April 18, 2011 Press Release, Burlington

Rotary International, the world’s first service organization, is made up of over 33,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Its members form a global network of business, professional and community leaders who volunteer their time and talents to serve their communities and the world.

Rotary's motto, Service Above Self, exemplifies the humanitarian spirit of the organization's more than 1.2 million members. Strong fellowship among Rotarians and meaningful community and international service projects characterize Rotary worldwide.

Rotary enjoys a rich and sometimes complex tradition and organizational structure, with many programs that can be confusing to new and even not-so-new members. This website offers a basic Rotary education — the fundamental knowledge that will make every member better informed about Rotary and proud to be a Rotarian.

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